[아이폰 4.0 OS 공개] iPhone 4.0 OS Keynote Pereview Simple Ver.
2010년 4월 9일 새벽 2시 (현지시간 2010년 4월 8일 오전 10시) 아이폰의 새로운 운영체제인
아이폰 4.0 운영체제의 발표가 있었습니다.
이번 4.0 에서는 그 동안 많은 아이폰 사용자들이 원했던 많은 부분들이 변경되었습니다.
4.0 ㅡNew change is what? |
중심적으로 바뀐 7가지 |
4.0 ㅡ What is new fuction? |
새롭게 추가되는 기능들 |
4.0 ㅡ What is Enterpise fuction |
기업들을 위한 추가되는 기능들 |
4.0 ㅡ What is iAd ? |
iAd |
4.0 ㅡ What is iBook? |
iBook |
4.0 ㅡWhat is Game Center ? |
Game Center |
가장 심플하게 정리하였습니다.
iPhone 4.0 OS는 iPhone 3Gs와 iPod 3rd gen은 업데이트 가능하며, iPhone 3G와 iPod 2nd gen은 업데이트는 할 수 있으나 멀티테스킹은 불가능합니다.
아이폰용 4.0은 이번 여름에 업데이트가 가능하며, 아이패드의 경우에는 가을이후에 가능합니다.
새로운 아이폰 4는 이번에는 언급된 내용은 없으며, 여름에 관련 내용을 알 수 있을 것입니다.
[Not sure if there are any features that weren’t mentioned here, but will be in iPhone 4,
that will be expressly for the NEW iPhone 4 that’s coming this summer.]
마지막으로 원했던 플래시 지원은 이번에도 계획없음이라고 확실히 답변하였습니다.
4.0 ㅡ Q&A 모음 [Eng] | 현장 Q&A 내용들입니다. 번역을 하지 않아 영문원문 그대로입니다. 보실분만.. |
Q: “Will multitasking increase data usage, and how is AT&T prepared to handle this?”
A: “I’m not so sure it will. We’ll find out though.”
Q: Given the huge demand of iPad demand in the US, will that impact the international launch?
A: No. It’ll still be near the end of April, like we said.
Q: Will the social gaming network from Apple supplant all the social gaming networks already available? And what will Apple do different?
A: The problem was there are a bunch of different social networks out there. So the goal was to build it into the platform, and everyone can be on the same gaming platform. We expect developers will build this into their games because they’ll have a wider audience.
Q: Are there going to be achievement points, like Xbox Live?
A: We’re still looking at point options.
Q: Is there going to be an approval process for the ads, much like the App Store does, because you’re going to be hosting?
A: I think there will be some boundaries, like you can’t run any ad on ABC. There are some ads we’d rather not run, but the concept are that these advertisers will pay to run ads, and they’ll pay to run ads that are well received by the audience. I’m not sure there’s going to be anything but a light touch.
Q: How about iPad support?
A: iPhone OS will be on the iPad this fall.
Q: Is there going to be any change in Apple’s position on Java or Flash on version four?
A: No.
Q: The development of these rich iAds…will Apple make a development platform for people to make these ads?
A: This isn’t necessary. They’re all HTML5 ads and people can choose any tools they want. As long as it’s HTMl5.
Q: Is there a reason why you won’t be able to see a timeline in Twitter or an IM conversation in the background?
A: We think it works better with the push notifications as it’s in place now. The fast-app switching is very complicated and more impressive than what we demoed.
Q: Why have you veered away from widgets on the iPad?
A: We just shipped it on Saturday. And then we rested on Sunday.
Q: So widgets are possible?
A: Everything is possible.
Q: Can you do anything to make these phones more safe so people wont’ use them when they shouldn’t be using them (like when driving).
A: I think we do more than most to connect our phones into cars’ control systems. We’ve done a great job for handsfree calling and such. We’ve done a better job on that than everyone else.
Q: Are there any plans for you to run unsigned applications, like on Android?
A: There is a porn store for Android to go to. You can download them, your kids can download them. That’s a place we don’t want to go. We’re not going to go there.
Q: Anything surprise you about the initial reaction to the iPad so far?
A: Even though we’ve been using these internally for some time, you still have butterflies in your stomach the few weeks before…the night before…launch. You never really know until you get it into customers’ hands, and they tell you what they think. The feedback we’ve got has been off the charts. We think this is a profound gamechanger. We think when people look back some number of years from now, they’ll see this as a major event in personal computation devices. What’s been really great for me is how quickly people have got it. You know. I’ve gotten a few thousand emails so far from people I’ve never talked to before just telling me how much this product is…how much they think this product is going to change their life and what they do. People are getting it very quickly. -Jobs
Q: How are you going to improve the app store for discoverability?
A: The app store isn’t part of iPhone 4 or any OS release. It’s programmed on the server side so we can enhance it without waiting for the release of any iPhone OS release. We’re constantly interested in improving that, and do so fairly frequently. In terms of discoverability, we’ve added stuff like Genius recommendations. I also see an infrastructure evolve to help users find apps. The store on an iPhone with the small screen can only do so much. But you are seeing more websites and services featuring iPhone apps of the week. There’s a lot of infrastructure building up outside the app store that has been servicing this. -Jobs
Game Center, this is also meant to help the viral spread of applications, when your friends challenge you to a game that you don’t have. There’s also gifting, so if you have an app that you love, you can gift it to someone.
Q: Are you concerned at all about multitasking and other features that wouldn’t work for the older devices. Will this upgrade be enough to get people to upgrade their phones and renew their contracts and such.
A: The 3GS has been a huge hit, and iPod touch’s sales curve really accelerated over the last year. So a lot of these products, the install base, are the most recent products. The old ones will still love the new features, but they’ll just miss ones like multitasking. If that’s an incentive to get people to upgrade to the new phone, that’s fantastic.
Q: How do you close applications? And can people use stuff other than iAd and Game Center?
A: If you want to kill an app…you don’t have to. We architected something so the user doesn’t have to be the custodian of applications. We’ll give the apps in the foreground as needed. The user doesn’t have to worry about that at all. The user just uses things.
In multitasking, if you see a task manager, they blew it. Users shouldn’t have to ever, ever, ever think about that stuff.
And to answer the second question, yes, you can use any service.
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